Sunday, February 21, 2010

Use the Lightwell.

Hey it's Xandiaver again from the Odyssey Guild on Nagrand, I am apparently an 'Epic Healz' according to a couple of guys I grouped with.

This time I would like to talk about the Lightwell spell which in my opinion would be awesome if only everyone else wasn't an idiot.

So is was going through Underbog when a group member said "Dude you would be much better off spending your talent point in Lightwell elsewhere, I am a lvl 80 Holy on my alt so I would know". I replied with "You never know what will be good or crap when the next patch comes out".

I stand by defending lightwell, it is only the other players ignorance of it that is the problem. I have to type every tine i place a lightwell "Use the lightwell". because not many people realize it's utility. First of all it saves me mana as it is cheap for me to cast and provided everyone uses it heals everyone fully. Secondly it is a replacement for the need of any normal food during a dungeon. I said "Use the Lightwell one time" and my tank said "lol already eating". Well there you go you could have saved that food by using my lightwell, if only you understood what i could do.

Even better is the lightwell's use during a boss fight because it is not limited to outside of combat. If all the melee tanks and DPS lure the boss to the lightwell they can heal themselves up to 15 times while i just sit back and save my mana while everyone heals themselves, leaving me with plenty of mana to cast big healz when they are needed.

Let's not forget the lightwell's use outside of dungeons on my own questing, it is amazing. I place one right in front of me while fighting 3 mobs at once as a Holy preist who uses no shadow spells except for shadow protection. (If you think i'm an an idiot for doing this consider that i'm am lvl 66 and still going doing all quests with no shadow spells so far.) and I can simply use my lightwell whenever I get low on health, leaving more mana for offensive spells.

although this method leaves me never running out of mana due to Holy Fire's long cooldown and Smite being no better then my wand which cost's no mana. i could probably get through mobs even faster with shadow spells. But hence I have sworn to prove to a mate of mine that I can get to lvl 80 never using an offensive shadow spell and hence so far I'm level 66 and going strong.

So to conclude this Lightwell would be awesome if not for people who refuse to use it due to maybe past experiences or being total n00bs. Lightwell FTW

Although I will probably have to make a macro or something that says "Use Lightwell, save your food and my mana and heal yourselves during bosses". whenever I cast it. If anyone could make such a thing i would appreciate it.

This has been Xandiaver an Undead Holy Preist of the Odyssey Guild on Nagrand saying stop hating on Lightwell and embrace it.

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