In summary in cast you couldn't be bothered reading my past blog. Since the 3.3.3 patch went live a change to what people could need on was included to try and stop a ninja looting problem in the new Looking for Dungeon system. But my character has been severely affected because of this change, because my character cannot need on items that are upgrades to what I currently have.
I began investigating by asking other players in game if they knew what was going on. Most of them didn't have any problems with the change but reported that the knew other who could not need on things they wanted. I posted a thread on the official wow forums, which was essentially a copy of my earlier blog as a question and all I got was people who were ignorant and despite me specifying in my post that yes many cloth items were off limits to me and not just leather, mail and plate which is 'no duh'. They just repeated this to me.
One person did understand my question, but didn't believe me and said "you are a priest you can roll on items that are dps or healing, plz instead of just saying stats give links to the specific items you are referring to." But that is a good point, even if the game is only allowing me to get stuff relevant to healing, my class can be DPS as well so wtf. Not that their is really much difference to the stats DPS and healers use anyway.
So i don't know how to post links to items on the forum, but i did take screenshots of the items I am referring to which I'll include after explaining the rest of my investigation. In my guild 'Odyssey' I asked around and linked several items that were just in an instance I ran through that i should have been able to need on if I wanted them and they did not understand why i couldn't roll on them, But suggested that it may have something to do with item level. So I decided to check out the patch notes and see if that gave me the answers and all it said was 'The Need Before Greed loot system will be the unalterable default looting system for pick-up groups in the Dungeon Finder and has been updated.Need Before Greed will now recognize gear appropriate for a class in three ways: the class must be able to equip the item, pure melee will be unable to roll on spell power items, and classes are limited to their dominant armor type (ex. paladins for plate). All items will still be available via Greed rolls as well as the new Disenchant option should no member be able to use the item'.
Oh ok 3 ways, so there is, they must be able to equip the item, check. It must have stats relevant to your class, check and it is limited to their dominant armor type. Well for me that is only cloth so, check. So the patch notes were useless and that means so I give up all i can do is complain to blizzard that my class is nerfed due to not being able to pick up upgrades for my character. I'll just have to quest to get most of my equipment.
So here are pictures of some items that i could need on that I should have been able to without any explanation as to why I could not.

Some of these are ridiculous how the hell is Shadow Council of the Invoker not useful to me and it is an upgrade of about 30 item level over my current bracers. So i have been screw by this on at least a dozen occasions. So thanks a lot ninjas you have ruined it for all of us. Or maybe just holy priests, because I don't hear many other people complaining about this. If anyone has any insights on this or similar experiences please post comments and let me know.
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