It's Xandiaver a Undead Holy Priest of the Odyssey Guild in Nagrand and I just DINGED! level 71 and to celebrate this occasion I'm going to make list of my top 11 Holy priest spells so far from my journey from level 1 to 70. This does not exclude Discipline and Shadow spells, but as a Healer it will be mostly Holy for me. I'll also include some detailed information why each ability is either really useful or just fun.
11 - Levitate
This is why I had to have 11 on the list I couldn't go without mentioning the amount of fun I have had with the spell, especially after I got my flying mount. It simply causes you to glide slowly towards the ground whenever you go off a cliff or dismount at 100 feet above the ground. It looks really cool to dismount miles above my target and float down while I cast my self buffs on my way down and although it is very hard to control where you land, through practice I found myself parachuting on to my target most of the time. Another thing is that when I am running from mobs I don't want to fight and I jump off a huge height I then levitate while in the air and the mob will normally give up on chasing me. Anyone else would either go splat or have to turn back towards the mob they are running from. Another cool thing is that I can walk on water again causing land based mob to stop chasing me and keep me from having to move really slow through water. In actual 5 man dungeons it's uses are really limited the only drops from heights that you are meant to go down only to a little bit of damage anyway.
In fact I once used it on me and another player after the rest of the party dropped down to a platform below and I thought cool let's try and be useful. So I cast it on the dude first then myself and jumped off after him and LOL we both floated past the platform and into lava and died. So although it has no real multiplayer application I just wanted to mention it.
10 - Resurrection
Well... It's handy to be useful, but it's not very unique as every class capable of healing has a similar spell and is simply extremely useful for obvious reasons, more then anything though it's just a time saver. Unlike I think the paladin's one which can be used in combat, that's what can really save your ass.
9 - Flash Heal
At first I avoided this spell in favor of greater heal, but realized that it is more mana efficient to use this often rather then greater heal occasionally and for a while seemed like a very viable heal. But now I've gone back to kind of thinking this spell is to weak, lately it only seems to heal someone for a few pixels of health each time and there are so many spells that I'm better off using my casting time on then this. But it is handy for whenever everyone is at nearly full life and I have nothing better to do to just top up slightly damaged life bars while I'm waiting for real damage to heal. Plus later on you get a binding heal spell that almost entirely replaces any need for this spell.
8 - Greater Heal
This is the spell to use whenever someone is below 50%. But because of the other spells I use that rank higher then this that doesn't happen very often. Still in certain relatively rare situation this spell is absolutely essential and is required to heal people that have taken a lot of damage from a single attack and then keep their life stable, but if they are continuing to take damage quickly I am better off using other spells because they are faster. Not to mention that although this spell is the surest way to ensure no one dies, it's too mana expensive to be used that often, especially since tanks don't like letting me have a decent amount of mana I've had to get used to being efficient with cheaper spells.
7 - Prayer of Fortitude
This is one of the best buffs in the game that I know of. I think King's Blessing is the only buff that people ask for more. But this is perfect for the healer because it increases everyone max hit points so that you have more margin for error in any of your healing spells. Best of all is that the Prayer of Fortitude lasts for an hour, so you can cast it at the beginning of a dungeon and forget about it until you either wipe or finish. Only problem is that it requires a reagent that while not very expensive requires you to have to regularly go to a reagent store to stock up.
6 - Binding Heal
This is the spell I mentioned that practically replaces the need for Flash Heal. This spell is just as fast, requires 50% more mana, nut heals both you and your target for twice the amount flash heal does. So it's pretty unanimous, you only use Flash Heal over this if your life is full and your target hasn't lost much life. In any relatively intense fight I never use flash heal and instead use this to counter the aggro damage that gets to me while still healing people in my party. This helps me to not worry about about my own life and concentrate on everyone else. As an added bonus it even causes less threat then Flash Heal, omg amazing.
5 - Prayer of Healing
This is a very important panic button spell. Often a boss will wipe the entire party's hit points to 40% or below and that's when this spell heals the entire party back up to almost full. The only downsides are that it is twice as slow as greater heal and twice as expensive. But when you do the math for that this is a much better spell then greater heal. Because you get the same value if only 2 people in the party are at low health and if there are 3 this spell turns out to be a cheaper heal then greater heal. It is also one of the safest heals to use when you are panicking cause you can either have a chance of making sure everyone will live or you can ensure 2 live with the single target panic button spells, but if two people are dead the party is normally screwed anyway so your better off trying for this.
4 - Guardian Spirit
OH CRAP THE TANK'S GOING TO DIE! IT'S BEEN TOO SOON SINCE I USED SHIELD. HE'S SCREWED THE PARTY IS SCREWED HE'S ONLY GOT 5% OF HIS HEALTH!!!! Wait what am I yelling about I can just cast guardian spirit on him and suddenly everything is fine. This spell is awesome. Any time things are looking bad this is the spell that saves everyone. What it does is it puts a buff on the target that increases any healing on them by 40%, but that's not the cool part. It also costs next to no mana, but no that's not the cool part. It is cast instantly, but that is still not the cool part. The really cool part is that if the tank drops to 0 hit points and would die, he instead destroys the buff and goes instantly to 50% of his health leaving me with plenty of time to cast a prayer of healing or greater heal and get everyone back to full health. The only part that isn't cool is it has a 3 minute cool down meaning I can only cast it once per encounter maybe But who cares it will pretty much be available to use in every boss fight. Only problem I have with is is that it is very subtle despite it's impact. I have never had anyone comment about how the tanks was dead and then suddenly alive again and how close they were to wiping before this one spell followed by a few others piratically got us back to being as refreshed as when we started the fight. As I am the only one watching the lifebars most of the time.
3 - Spirit of Redemption
That's it the battle has been going for ages and I am out of mana. So what do I do, normally I would just have to throw my hands up and say, "that's it no more healz good luck guys". But no even in this situation there is a great option and that option is to die. Yep if I'm out of mana I might as well deliberately jump into the boss's mouth and kill myself, because dead I am of a lot more use. For 15 seconds after I die I can cast any healing spell free of mana and since I have a Glyph on this it is a huge 21 seconds that I can cast all my biggest heals, greater heal, Prayer of Healing and stack another renew on everyone and then die. This is about the same amount of value I would get out of another 40% mana and is a huge contribution. It's also great that since this is automatic and I accidentally die I can still contribute a lot the the group. Even when the tank screws up and let's aggro get to me it's still not quite the end of the heals. This has made that difference between either me dying or the entire party wiping so many times it's unanswerable.
2 - Renew
This is it. This is the single most important heal spell in my arsenal. I always use it all the time because it heals everyone for me at a surprisingly decent rate. When I first had this spell available to me I thought it was stupid how it only healed people a tiny bit at a time and how if i really wanted to use it to any decent effect I would have to keep casting it on every in the party every 15 seconds and that I would rather concentrate on heals with more impact and that I don't have to keep maintaining. That was my attitude all the way up until past level 60. I downloaded barkeeper and decided to make my HUD a lot easier and assessable and I put renew on it and decided to give it a go in a couple of fights. These were relatively easy instance that I was a high level for and I noticed that renew was all I was casting, I never had to cast anything else. At this point my strategy was very different I would just wait for someone to be hurt enough and cast greater heal. But it was after using renew that I discovered that it had a lot more overall effect then I thought and I changed my entire strategy to focus almost exclusively on renew and then other spells would be cast afterwards. Every single fight now starts with the tank charging in while I cast shield on him, then prayer of mending and then renew on everyone in the party, which thanks to my improved UI only takes a few second since I have all my buttons right next to the characters faces. Sure I could have a good muscle memory and macro everything to keys but I'm not good at remembering which key I attached to which skills. Instead I have them laid out on my screen and I just click away, with the renew spell being the closest and biggest button because I must cast it 50 times in each encounter and while this is a bit of a pain I have now gotten used to it and it has now effectively made me a 300% better healer then before I used this landmark spell and now that I have spent my talents on everything to do with it, it is now so very powerful and there are green numbers popping up all over the screen all the time. So what what could possibly beat this, I think even n00b preists will know what's next.
1 - Power Word: Shield
OMG! this spell is mapped to my mouse button, even though I have it on the screen I don't click on it ever I have known ever since I first started playing and I got this spell it has always been on my middle mouse button. Ever since the very first time I got his spell as a human priest that I stopped playing at 16th level before I started this one, I knew it was awesome for everything. In soloing it is almost the sole reason my priest who doesn't use any shadow spells except shadow protection is able to solo. without this spell it would be pretty much impossible and in dungeon it is even more important. I cast it on the tank over and over whenever the debuff that prevents it from being recast to soon goes away and it makes a huge difference to the amount of damage they take and on top of that it is also the single best panic button. Oh crap someone is about to die, middle mouse button then side mouse button and they are back to full life, cause my side mouse button is greater heal. Also the Body and Soul talent makes it even better even outside of battle, as whenever I cast it my target gains 60% running speed and gets cured of a disease. Wow I did not even remember it did that until I looked up the talent just then, who know how many diseases I've unknowingly cured. So I can use it to run around place I can't use my mount a lot quicker including instances. So I die and there are no rezers so I have to run back in, well at least I can get back to the party almost as fast as a hunter can. I will always have it mapped to my mouse. Even though it has a fairly long cool down I have probably used this spell more then renew in the whole game, although I know that will change in the future. So there it is. I'm sorry but although I haven't said much negative stuff for once on this post I'm going to have to fix that by saying if you are a priest and you don't use this spell all the time you are an idiot.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Tank from a Healer perspective
It is Xandiaver a Undead Holy Priest of the Odyssey guild in Nagrand back to talk about the Tank who is almost the only person I focus on in a 5-man dungeon. It is my job to help them survive taking all the damage and if they do their job particularly well they end up being the only person I have to heal in a whole run.
But there are some things that tanks do that really frustrate me as the person they take for granted to keep them alive. Probably the most annoying thing of all is when a Tank rounds up more mobs then they can handle and ends up losing all their life almost instantly and then they complain to me with statements like "WTF am I hard to heal" or "No Healz". What they don't realize is that I know what is going on with their life situation better then they do, their job pretty much as far as I understand it requires that they trust the healer to keep their life up while they focus on aggro and make sure it is all on them. My role involves spending 80% of my time constantly staring at the tank's health bar and making sure to make intelligent decisions to heal them with whatever heal keeps their life topped up, while not burning through my mana by using big heals when they aren't necessary and also making sure I cure any status effects that they are inflicted by.
The second thing that ticks me off is most tanks I come across never seem to consider the mana situation of other classes and especially the healer. I almost never get to recover my mana to full before they start charging at the next mobs, which causes me to go through twice the amount of water I would have to if they could just wait 10 seconds between each challenging mob and this not only impairs my mana reserve in each encounter but costs me gold as I have to keep buying huge stockpiles of water. But what makes it even worse is when they run ahead so far ahead while I am drinking that I have to run for about 10 - 15 seconds after canceling my water just to get back in range with my spells. In Utgarde Keep which I started running at lvl 68 (the minimum level allowed) is a very challenging instance at that level especially when the rest of the party is at the minimum level. But when I say "WTF" to the tanks and ask why they keep running running ahead when I say "out of mana". They reply with "No you have 30% of your mana". Are tanks really stupid enough to think that is enough mana for most encounters not to mention that it's not like they give me a break every 2nd encounter either so I I'm to always have 30% mana for the entire instance. On a lighter note a majority of the tanks that do this a least have the courtesy to stop before a boss. The thing they don't realize is that I normally find bosses easier then mobs because their are normally fewer adds to worry about aggroing other people meaning I don't have to worry about healing everyone rather then just the tank.
The third thing that ticks me of is how they keep running ahead straight away after buffs are cast at the start not letting me get my mana back. I don't know about other classes but as a priest I cast 4 big buffs that leave me with surprise surprise 30% of my mana after casting them Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of Spirit, Prayer of Shadow Protection and Inner Fire. Then they also do the same thing when I try to reapply buffs after a wipe or after one person dies.
and forth the tank doesn't look at their own or anyone elses life at the end of a fight and rush ahead with me at 30% mana and a lot of people including themselves at low life meaning I have to cast a big heal at the start of a fight and be left with even less mana which also make the rest of the fight harder since I didn't get the chance to cast my damage prevention spells like Renew and Power Word: Shield
It's normally after the Tank makes one of these mistakes that follows with them calling me a bad healer and I cannot be bothered correcting them and explaining the situation every single time, especially since I play randoms and normally don't see them again. I cannot for the life of me understand how a tank gets to be level 60+ without learning these things, it's probably because like me the healers can't be bothered correcting them.
In case anyone is wondering I have common strategy that I repeat most encounters whether they be mobs or bosses. I start by casting Power Word: Shield and Prayer of Mending on them as they start charging the mobs and then while the shield prevents damage I cast Renew on everyone in the party and then go back to targeting the tank and use mostly Flash Heal when the tanks loses a little bit of life or Binding Heal when I've taken damage as well and only use Greater Heal when the tanks drops below 50% health. I used to make the mistake of using Greater Heal most of the time and Flash Heal rarely which cause me to have worse mana issues. Not to mention that I would be waiting for their life to drop lower before acting. But it was thanks to someone who suggested the other way around in Dire Maul that I changed my strategy. At first I was annoyed that he was judging me but tried it anyway. Which goes to show that you should at least try suggestions to see if they work, especially if the person asks politely. Finally I use Guardian Spirit as my panic button, which heals them to 50% life if they reached 1 hp and increase healing by 40% for 10 seconds if this effect isn't triggered.
So in conclusion I am actually considering playing a tank eventually and I think that having experience being a healer will give me valuable understanding and empathy for the healers I get in my group and will most certainly watch mana and health bars at the end of each fight and not go forward unless they are at 90%.
So if any Tanks are reading this please save yourself from having to play a healer for 70 levels to be a good tank and take my suggestions.
Thank you.
But there are some things that tanks do that really frustrate me as the person they take for granted to keep them alive. Probably the most annoying thing of all is when a Tank rounds up more mobs then they can handle and ends up losing all their life almost instantly and then they complain to me with statements like "WTF am I hard to heal" or "No Healz". What they don't realize is that I know what is going on with their life situation better then they do, their job pretty much as far as I understand it requires that they trust the healer to keep their life up while they focus on aggro and make sure it is all on them. My role involves spending 80% of my time constantly staring at the tank's health bar and making sure to make intelligent decisions to heal them with whatever heal keeps their life topped up, while not burning through my mana by using big heals when they aren't necessary and also making sure I cure any status effects that they are inflicted by.
The second thing that ticks me off is most tanks I come across never seem to consider the mana situation of other classes and especially the healer. I almost never get to recover my mana to full before they start charging at the next mobs, which causes me to go through twice the amount of water I would have to if they could just wait 10 seconds between each challenging mob and this not only impairs my mana reserve in each encounter but costs me gold as I have to keep buying huge stockpiles of water. But what makes it even worse is when they run ahead so far ahead while I am drinking that I have to run for about 10 - 15 seconds after canceling my water just to get back in range with my spells. In Utgarde Keep which I started running at lvl 68 (the minimum level allowed) is a very challenging instance at that level especially when the rest of the party is at the minimum level. But when I say "WTF" to the tanks and ask why they keep running running ahead when I say "out of mana". They reply with "No you have 30% of your mana". Are tanks really stupid enough to think that is enough mana for most encounters not to mention that it's not like they give me a break every 2nd encounter either so I I'm to always have 30% mana for the entire instance. On a lighter note a majority of the tanks that do this a least have the courtesy to stop before a boss. The thing they don't realize is that I normally find bosses easier then mobs because their are normally fewer adds to worry about aggroing other people meaning I don't have to worry about healing everyone rather then just the tank.
The third thing that ticks me of is how they keep running ahead straight away after buffs are cast at the start not letting me get my mana back. I don't know about other classes but as a priest I cast 4 big buffs that leave me with surprise surprise 30% of my mana after casting them Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of Spirit, Prayer of Shadow Protection and Inner Fire. Then they also do the same thing when I try to reapply buffs after a wipe or after one person dies.
and forth the tank doesn't look at their own or anyone elses life at the end of a fight and rush ahead with me at 30% mana and a lot of people including themselves at low life meaning I have to cast a big heal at the start of a fight and be left with even less mana which also make the rest of the fight harder since I didn't get the chance to cast my damage prevention spells like Renew and Power Word: Shield
It's normally after the Tank makes one of these mistakes that follows with them calling me a bad healer and I cannot be bothered correcting them and explaining the situation every single time, especially since I play randoms and normally don't see them again. I cannot for the life of me understand how a tank gets to be level 60+ without learning these things, it's probably because like me the healers can't be bothered correcting them.
In case anyone is wondering I have common strategy that I repeat most encounters whether they be mobs or bosses. I start by casting Power Word: Shield and Prayer of Mending on them as they start charging the mobs and then while the shield prevents damage I cast Renew on everyone in the party and then go back to targeting the tank and use mostly Flash Heal when the tanks loses a little bit of life or Binding Heal when I've taken damage as well and only use Greater Heal when the tanks drops below 50% health. I used to make the mistake of using Greater Heal most of the time and Flash Heal rarely which cause me to have worse mana issues. Not to mention that I would be waiting for their life to drop lower before acting. But it was thanks to someone who suggested the other way around in Dire Maul that I changed my strategy. At first I was annoyed that he was judging me but tried it anyway. Which goes to show that you should at least try suggestions to see if they work, especially if the person asks politely. Finally I use Guardian Spirit as my panic button, which heals them to 50% life if they reached 1 hp and increase healing by 40% for 10 seconds if this effect isn't triggered.
So in conclusion I am actually considering playing a tank eventually and I think that having experience being a healer will give me valuable understanding and empathy for the healers I get in my group and will most certainly watch mana and health bars at the end of each fight and not go forward unless they are at 90%.
So if any Tanks are reading this please save yourself from having to play a healer for 70 levels to be a good tank and take my suggestions.
Thank you.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Investigating the NEED problem.
In an earlier post i talked about how I was unable to need on things that were genuine upgrades to me so since then I have done a lot of investigating in and out of game to find out the whole story about this.
In summary in cast you couldn't be bothered reading my past blog. Since the 3.3.3 patch went live a change to what people could need on was included to try and stop a ninja looting problem in the new Looking for Dungeon system. But my character has been severely affected because of this change, because my character cannot need on items that are upgrades to what I currently have.
I began investigating by asking other players in game if they knew what was going on. Most of them didn't have any problems with the change but reported that the knew other who could not need on things they wanted. I posted a thread on the official wow forums, which was essentially a copy of my earlier blog as a question and all I got was people who were ignorant and despite me specifying in my post that yes many cloth items were off limits to me and not just leather, mail and plate which is 'no duh'. They just repeated this to me.
One person did understand my question, but didn't believe me and said "you are a priest you can roll on items that are dps or healing, plz instead of just saying stats give links to the specific items you are referring to." But that is a good point, even if the game is only allowing me to get stuff relevant to healing, my class can be DPS as well so wtf. Not that their is really much difference to the stats DPS and healers use anyway.
So i don't know how to post links to items on the forum, but i did take screenshots of the items I am referring to which I'll include after explaining the rest of my investigation. In my guild 'Odyssey' I asked around and linked several items that were just in an instance I ran through that i should have been able to need on if I wanted them and they did not understand why i couldn't roll on them, But suggested that it may have something to do with item level. So I decided to check out the patch notes and see if that gave me the answers and all it said was 'The Need Before Greed loot system will be the unalterable default looting system for pick-up groups in the Dungeon Finder and has been updated.Need Before Greed will now recognize gear appropriate for a class in three ways: the class must be able to equip the item, pure melee will be unable to roll on spell power items, and classes are limited to their dominant armor type (ex. paladins for plate). All items will still be available via Greed rolls as well as the new Disenchant option should no member be able to use the item'.
Oh ok 3 ways, so there is, they must be able to equip the item, check. It must have stats relevant to your class, check and it is limited to their dominant armor type. Well for me that is only cloth so, check. So the patch notes were useless and that means so I give up all i can do is complain to blizzard that my class is nerfed due to not being able to pick up upgrades for my character. I'll just have to quest to get most of my equipment.
So here are pictures of some items that i could need on that I should have been able to without any explanation as to why I could not.

Some of these are ridiculous how the hell is Shadow Council of the Invoker not useful to me and it is an upgrade of about 30 item level over my current bracers. So i have been screw by this on at least a dozen occasions. So thanks a lot ninjas you have ruined it for all of us. Or maybe just holy priests, because I don't hear many other people complaining about this. If anyone has any insights on this or similar experiences please post comments and let me know.
In summary in cast you couldn't be bothered reading my past blog. Since the 3.3.3 patch went live a change to what people could need on was included to try and stop a ninja looting problem in the new Looking for Dungeon system. But my character has been severely affected because of this change, because my character cannot need on items that are upgrades to what I currently have.
I began investigating by asking other players in game if they knew what was going on. Most of them didn't have any problems with the change but reported that the knew other who could not need on things they wanted. I posted a thread on the official wow forums, which was essentially a copy of my earlier blog as a question and all I got was people who were ignorant and despite me specifying in my post that yes many cloth items were off limits to me and not just leather, mail and plate which is 'no duh'. They just repeated this to me.
One person did understand my question, but didn't believe me and said "you are a priest you can roll on items that are dps or healing, plz instead of just saying stats give links to the specific items you are referring to." But that is a good point, even if the game is only allowing me to get stuff relevant to healing, my class can be DPS as well so wtf. Not that their is really much difference to the stats DPS and healers use anyway.
So i don't know how to post links to items on the forum, but i did take screenshots of the items I am referring to which I'll include after explaining the rest of my investigation. In my guild 'Odyssey' I asked around and linked several items that were just in an instance I ran through that i should have been able to need on if I wanted them and they did not understand why i couldn't roll on them, But suggested that it may have something to do with item level. So I decided to check out the patch notes and see if that gave me the answers and all it said was 'The Need Before Greed loot system will be the unalterable default looting system for pick-up groups in the Dungeon Finder and has been updated.Need Before Greed will now recognize gear appropriate for a class in three ways: the class must be able to equip the item, pure melee will be unable to roll on spell power items, and classes are limited to their dominant armor type (ex. paladins for plate). All items will still be available via Greed rolls as well as the new Disenchant option should no member be able to use the item'.
Oh ok 3 ways, so there is, they must be able to equip the item, check. It must have stats relevant to your class, check and it is limited to their dominant armor type. Well for me that is only cloth so, check. So the patch notes were useless and that means so I give up all i can do is complain to blizzard that my class is nerfed due to not being able to pick up upgrades for my character. I'll just have to quest to get most of my equipment.
So here are pictures of some items that i could need on that I should have been able to without any explanation as to why I could not.

Some of these are ridiculous how the hell is Shadow Council of the Invoker not useful to me and it is an upgrade of about 30 item level over my current bracers. So i have been screw by this on at least a dozen occasions. So thanks a lot ninjas you have ruined it for all of us. Or maybe just holy priests, because I don't hear many other people complaining about this. If anyone has any insights on this or similar experiences please post comments and let me know.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Starting a Healz Blamer Blacklist
Hey this is Xandiaver of the Odyssey Guild in Nagrand and I recently encountered another asshole when I was running the Auchenai Crypts instance one which I have done dozens of times before and while the first boss is a particular challenge for my character I have normally gotten through it because the group has been good enough and had enough damage to it to bring it down quickly enough to overcome the serious disadvantage I have when trying to heal people, but I'll get to that shortly.
I got a random group for the dungeon and I probably should have known we were in trouble when as soon as I came into the dungeon and placed down my 3 big party buffs, Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of Spirit and Prayer of Shadow Protection and then said "oom" and began drinking because casting all 3 of these leave me with only about 30% mana. But instead of listening to me the tank ran ahead and started aggroing a bunch of mob and I had to stop drinking and start healing and sure enough I soon ran out of mana before we killed to mobs and we wipe, right at the damn entrance.
Now I was starting to get an idea of how much this group sucked because tanks have rushed at the start before and I've managed to keep everyone alive, but this one either pulled too much or didn't keep aggro off me and the other guys. Anyway we after we wiped a second time on only the second set of mobs we encounter we finally reach the first boss, and we wiped at him. I don't remember the name of the boss but he looks kind of like a beholder from D&D and I find him one of my most challenging bosses because he does a horrible debuff that their either isn't a way to remove or I don't know how. He increases the casting time of all my spells by 200% effectively making all my non instant heal spells useless, even Flash Heal. So I have to only use instant heal spells, which means I can only heal people for very small amounts, despite this however I have gotten through this boss heaps of time because the rest of the group picks up the slack and kills him quick enough to prevent everyone from getting too damaged.
The first time we fought him I used the same strategy that worked for me in the past and cast Renew on everyone and stood there taking about 30 seconds to cast Prayer of Healing. But the party was already half wipe before it went off. So the blame began a group member said "WTF no heals". Which was wrong for a start because the had Renew going on all of them and I did my usual thing of casting Guarding Spirit to save the Tank from death once and not to mention I shielded the tank at the start. So I explained to everyone that most my healing was useless during this boss and asked if anyone knew a way around the debuff and noone did so we tried again.
The second time I gave up on trying to cast any non instant spells but alas it wasn't enough to keep the group alive. By the way in case you are wondering I tried decursing and dispelling the debuff in the past and already knew it didn't work, or if it did the debuff came back a soon as I started casting again anyway.
Third time we failed again and on our way back for the 4th time one of the people in the group called Lunä from the Thurissan realm said "Fuck this shit, since noone is going to boot the healer who a complete failz i'm leaving" and left. It's a shame he/she didn't see my response "Don't blame me I have cleared this boss dozens of times so it is evidently this group that is fail" and on lighter note another player said "y does everyone always blame to healer". Right on I thought after I had already left the group and looked back at what people said. So sure maybe I should have researched how to overcome this boss's debuff, but the point is I havn't needed to in the past with better groups so why should I start now.
So anyway what I'm leading into with all this is I'm going to start a blacklist of everyone who ever rudely blames me for the group wiping when I know and have explained that I am doing my best and from previous experience that the exact same strategy has worked in the past.
So congrats Lunä of the Thurissan realm on going on my ignore list and never running with this good healer again and anyone else who decides to blame me for your own shortcomings can join him/her. If every healer in the game does this is will be hilarious to see these people always getting genuinely bad healz forever.
I wish I could add the before mentioned zomgpali to this list but I'm not sure I've even spent the name right and I don't know what realm he was from.
So yeah the moral is don't blame the damn healer, you could not possibly know what is going on on their end, whether it be bad latency, a real world distraction, or that your the one that's a n00b and the healer doesn't know how to compensate for you.
I got a random group for the dungeon and I probably should have known we were in trouble when as soon as I came into the dungeon and placed down my 3 big party buffs, Prayer of Fortitude, Prayer of Spirit and Prayer of Shadow Protection and then said "oom" and began drinking because casting all 3 of these leave me with only about 30% mana. But instead of listening to me the tank ran ahead and started aggroing a bunch of mob and I had to stop drinking and start healing and sure enough I soon ran out of mana before we killed to mobs and we wipe, right at the damn entrance.
Now I was starting to get an idea of how much this group sucked because tanks have rushed at the start before and I've managed to keep everyone alive, but this one either pulled too much or didn't keep aggro off me and the other guys. Anyway we after we wiped a second time on only the second set of mobs we encounter we finally reach the first boss, and we wiped at him. I don't remember the name of the boss but he looks kind of like a beholder from D&D and I find him one of my most challenging bosses because he does a horrible debuff that their either isn't a way to remove or I don't know how. He increases the casting time of all my spells by 200% effectively making all my non instant heal spells useless, even Flash Heal. So I have to only use instant heal spells, which means I can only heal people for very small amounts, despite this however I have gotten through this boss heaps of time because the rest of the group picks up the slack and kills him quick enough to prevent everyone from getting too damaged.
The first time we fought him I used the same strategy that worked for me in the past and cast Renew on everyone and stood there taking about 30 seconds to cast Prayer of Healing. But the party was already half wipe before it went off. So the blame began a group member said "WTF no heals". Which was wrong for a start because the had Renew going on all of them and I did my usual thing of casting Guarding Spirit to save the Tank from death once and not to mention I shielded the tank at the start. So I explained to everyone that most my healing was useless during this boss and asked if anyone knew a way around the debuff and noone did so we tried again.
The second time I gave up on trying to cast any non instant spells but alas it wasn't enough to keep the group alive. By the way in case you are wondering I tried decursing and dispelling the debuff in the past and already knew it didn't work, or if it did the debuff came back a soon as I started casting again anyway.
Third time we failed again and on our way back for the 4th time one of the people in the group called Lunä from the Thurissan realm said "Fuck this shit, since noone is going to boot the healer who a complete failz i'm leaving" and left. It's a shame he/she didn't see my response "Don't blame me I have cleared this boss dozens of times so it is evidently this group that is fail" and on lighter note another player said "y does everyone always blame to healer". Right on I thought after I had already left the group and looked back at what people said. So sure maybe I should have researched how to overcome this boss's debuff, but the point is I havn't needed to in the past with better groups so why should I start now.
So anyway what I'm leading into with all this is I'm going to start a blacklist of everyone who ever rudely blames me for the group wiping when I know and have explained that I am doing my best and from previous experience that the exact same strategy has worked in the past.
So congrats Lunä of the Thurissan realm on going on my ignore list and never running with this good healer again and anyone else who decides to blame me for your own shortcomings can join him/her. If every healer in the game does this is will be hilarious to see these people always getting genuinely bad healz forever.
I wish I could add the before mentioned zomgpali to this list but I'm not sure I've even spent the name right and I don't know what realm he was from.
So yeah the moral is don't blame the damn healer, you could not possibly know what is going on on their end, whether it be bad latency, a real world distraction, or that your the one that's a n00b and the healer doesn't know how to compensate for you.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Use the Lightwell.
Hey it's Xandiaver again from the Odyssey Guild on Nagrand, I am apparently an 'Epic Healz' according to a couple of guys I grouped with.
This time I would like to talk about the Lightwell spell which in my opinion would be awesome if only everyone else wasn't an idiot.
So is was going through Underbog when a group member said "Dude you would be much better off spending your talent point in Lightwell elsewhere, I am a lvl 80 Holy on my alt so I would know". I replied with "You never know what will be good or crap when the next patch comes out".
I stand by defending lightwell, it is only the other players ignorance of it that is the problem. I have to type every tine i place a lightwell "Use the lightwell". because not many people realize it's utility. First of all it saves me mana as it is cheap for me to cast and provided everyone uses it heals everyone fully. Secondly it is a replacement for the need of any normal food during a dungeon. I said "Use the Lightwell one time" and my tank said "lol already eating". Well there you go you could have saved that food by using my lightwell, if only you understood what i could do.
Even better is the lightwell's use during a boss fight because it is not limited to outside of combat. If all the melee tanks and DPS lure the boss to the lightwell they can heal themselves up to 15 times while i just sit back and save my mana while everyone heals themselves, leaving me with plenty of mana to cast big healz when they are needed.
Let's not forget the lightwell's use outside of dungeons on my own questing, it is amazing. I place one right in front of me while fighting 3 mobs at once as a Holy preist who uses no shadow spells except for shadow protection. (If you think i'm an an idiot for doing this consider that i'm am lvl 66 and still going doing all quests with no shadow spells so far.) and I can simply use my lightwell whenever I get low on health, leaving more mana for offensive spells.
although this method leaves me never running out of mana due to Holy Fire's long cooldown and Smite being no better then my wand which cost's no mana. i could probably get through mobs even faster with shadow spells. But hence I have sworn to prove to a mate of mine that I can get to lvl 80 never using an offensive shadow spell and hence so far I'm level 66 and going strong.
So to conclude this Lightwell would be awesome if not for people who refuse to use it due to maybe past experiences or being total n00bs. Lightwell FTW
Although I will probably have to make a macro or something that says "Use Lightwell, save your food and my mana and heal yourselves during bosses". whenever I cast it. If anyone could make such a thing i would appreciate it.
This has been Xandiaver an Undead Holy Preist of the Odyssey Guild on Nagrand saying stop hating on Lightwell and embrace it.
This time I would like to talk about the Lightwell spell which in my opinion would be awesome if only everyone else wasn't an idiot.
So is was going through Underbog when a group member said "Dude you would be much better off spending your talent point in Lightwell elsewhere, I am a lvl 80 Holy on my alt so I would know". I replied with "You never know what will be good or crap when the next patch comes out".
I stand by defending lightwell, it is only the other players ignorance of it that is the problem. I have to type every tine i place a lightwell "Use the lightwell". because not many people realize it's utility. First of all it saves me mana as it is cheap for me to cast and provided everyone uses it heals everyone fully. Secondly it is a replacement for the need of any normal food during a dungeon. I said "Use the Lightwell one time" and my tank said "lol already eating". Well there you go you could have saved that food by using my lightwell, if only you understood what i could do.
Even better is the lightwell's use during a boss fight because it is not limited to outside of combat. If all the melee tanks and DPS lure the boss to the lightwell they can heal themselves up to 15 times while i just sit back and save my mana while everyone heals themselves, leaving me with plenty of mana to cast big healz when they are needed.
Let's not forget the lightwell's use outside of dungeons on my own questing, it is amazing. I place one right in front of me while fighting 3 mobs at once as a Holy preist who uses no shadow spells except for shadow protection. (If you think i'm an an idiot for doing this consider that i'm am lvl 66 and still going doing all quests with no shadow spells so far.) and I can simply use my lightwell whenever I get low on health, leaving more mana for offensive spells.
although this method leaves me never running out of mana due to Holy Fire's long cooldown and Smite being no better then my wand which cost's no mana. i could probably get through mobs even faster with shadow spells. But hence I have sworn to prove to a mate of mine that I can get to lvl 80 never using an offensive shadow spell and hence so far I'm level 66 and going strong.
So to conclude this Lightwell would be awesome if not for people who refuse to use it due to maybe past experiences or being total n00bs. Lightwell FTW
Although I will probably have to make a macro or something that says "Use Lightwell, save your food and my mana and heal yourselves during bosses". whenever I cast it. If anyone could make such a thing i would appreciate it.
This has been Xandiaver an Undead Holy Preist of the Odyssey Guild on Nagrand saying stop hating on Lightwell and embrace it.
I'm Xandiaver a really nice and cool dude on the World of Warcarft in the Odyssey Guild on Nagrand.
Seriously WTF!?
For the record I am an extremely honest person I have NEVER Needed On Something that wasn't 1. an upgrade to my current equipment. OR 2. an upgrade to an alt, provided the group dosn't mind.
Seriously Blizzard most recent attempt to stop Ninjas in the recent 3.3 patch is affecting me drastically.
Let me lay out the situation I've been faced with dozens of times now while going through instances. Here's what i'm wearing now. Cloth +X intelligence, +X Spirit +X MP5 +X Spellpower.
and here's what just dropped in an instance. Cloth +X Stamina, + Lots of Intelligence + Lots of MP5 + Heaps of spellpower. Awesome I think this is huge upgrade to what i'm currently wearing let's need on it. But no! I can't even fucking click on the need button. When I mouse over it, it does not highlight and when I click Need it does not work. I have to either click greed or disenchant.
At first I thought this was an unfortunate bug and didn't get too bothered about it. But soon I noticed that time after time I was unable to need on things that were genuine upgrades to my current equipment that would allow me to heal my allies a lot better. I asked the question "Dude why can't I need on /awesome equipment with lot's of spell power, intelligence, MP5 and stamina". a dude replied with "change Blizzard released in 3.3 with ICC".
"WTF!" I said " But this equipment is a huge upgrade to my current equipment, Has Blizzard stopped trusting us to self police this need before greed system". He said " Since LFG their have been too many Ninjas, needing on equipment that they didn't need".
"But I rarely have a problem with Ninjas I said, i thought they were rare". I replied.
So to this date I have missed out on dozens of equipment that could have been an upgrade to me, the only pattern I notice to decide what isn't suitable to me seems to be Stamina instead of Spirit, which is stupid because Spirit only effects my ability to mana regen between combat which can be easily remedied with water or a mage in group and stamina only effects my ability to stay alive in order to keep everyone else alive.
So here it is an serious impediment to honest players due to ninjas and people who expect extreme changes because of them. So not just are the Ninjas at fault here but also the people who expect Blizzard to provide a situation that affects certain honest classes drastically. I don't give a fuck between the difference between Spirit and Stamina, I just want to be able able to Need on equipment that benefits me not just in instance groups but also on my own questing. When I am questing on my own Spirit doesn't do shit because I stop between each combat and drink. Stamina on the other hand helps me stay alive longer while in combat. So why should I be prohibited from equipment providing stamina as well as Intelligence, MP5 and Spellpower just because of some asshole Ninjas' FUCK THEM! and FUCK Blizzard for cowering like school children.
I don't know about the rest of you but I can only recall about 2 times in my entire journey to lvl 66 that a ninja has stolen from the group by needing on something they didn't need. 2 TIMES! and now i've been robbed of about 12 upgrades to my current equipment between lvl 61 to 65!
Does anyone else have this problem, I brought it up with my guild and they said that certain equipment was classified to certain classes. But this is obviously too strict at least to healers?
I hope Blizzard goes back on this change, because from my experience all my life, censorship only leads to more problems then it solves, just like when i tried to do an honest assignment on drugs and alcohol for my political an legal class in year 12, i couldn't access any websites because they were inappropriate. Well it looks like Blizzard have decided that healers are inappropriate.
Enjoy dungeons without a geared healer everyone because that is what you're going to get.
This has been Xandiaver of the Odyssey guild in Nagrand. Enjoy taking all my equipment, Mages.
Seriously WTF!?
For the record I am an extremely honest person I have NEVER Needed On Something that wasn't 1. an upgrade to my current equipment. OR 2. an upgrade to an alt, provided the group dosn't mind.
Seriously Blizzard most recent attempt to stop Ninjas in the recent 3.3 patch is affecting me drastically.
Let me lay out the situation I've been faced with dozens of times now while going through instances. Here's what i'm wearing now. Cloth +X intelligence, +X Spirit +X MP5 +X Spellpower.
and here's what just dropped in an instance. Cloth +X Stamina, + Lots of Intelligence + Lots of MP5 + Heaps of spellpower. Awesome I think this is huge upgrade to what i'm currently wearing let's need on it. But no! I can't even fucking click on the need button. When I mouse over it, it does not highlight and when I click Need it does not work. I have to either click greed or disenchant.
At first I thought this was an unfortunate bug and didn't get too bothered about it. But soon I noticed that time after time I was unable to need on things that were genuine upgrades to my current equipment that would allow me to heal my allies a lot better. I asked the question "Dude why can't I need on /awesome equipment with lot's of spell power, intelligence, MP5 and stamina". a dude replied with "change Blizzard released in 3.3 with ICC".
"WTF!" I said " But this equipment is a huge upgrade to my current equipment, Has Blizzard stopped trusting us to self police this need before greed system". He said " Since LFG their have been too many Ninjas, needing on equipment that they didn't need".
"But I rarely have a problem with Ninjas I said, i thought they were rare". I replied.
So to this date I have missed out on dozens of equipment that could have been an upgrade to me, the only pattern I notice to decide what isn't suitable to me seems to be Stamina instead of Spirit, which is stupid because Spirit only effects my ability to mana regen between combat which can be easily remedied with water or a mage in group and stamina only effects my ability to stay alive in order to keep everyone else alive.
So here it is an serious impediment to honest players due to ninjas and people who expect extreme changes because of them. So not just are the Ninjas at fault here but also the people who expect Blizzard to provide a situation that affects certain honest classes drastically. I don't give a fuck between the difference between Spirit and Stamina, I just want to be able able to Need on equipment that benefits me not just in instance groups but also on my own questing. When I am questing on my own Spirit doesn't do shit because I stop between each combat and drink. Stamina on the other hand helps me stay alive longer while in combat. So why should I be prohibited from equipment providing stamina as well as Intelligence, MP5 and Spellpower just because of some asshole Ninjas' FUCK THEM! and FUCK Blizzard for cowering like school children.
I don't know about the rest of you but I can only recall about 2 times in my entire journey to lvl 66 that a ninja has stolen from the group by needing on something they didn't need. 2 TIMES! and now i've been robbed of about 12 upgrades to my current equipment between lvl 61 to 65!
Does anyone else have this problem, I brought it up with my guild and they said that certain equipment was classified to certain classes. But this is obviously too strict at least to healers?
I hope Blizzard goes back on this change, because from my experience all my life, censorship only leads to more problems then it solves, just like when i tried to do an honest assignment on drugs and alcohol for my political an legal class in year 12, i couldn't access any websites because they were inappropriate. Well it looks like Blizzard have decided that healers are inappropriate.
Enjoy dungeons without a geared healer everyone because that is what you're going to get.
This has been Xandiaver of the Odyssey guild in Nagrand. Enjoy taking all my equipment, Mages.
Blame the Healer!
I am a WOW player and I am a lvl 66 Undead Holy Preist of the Odyssey guild on Nagrand and I am starting a blog about my endeavors on WOW because there are some interesting events in game or some rants that I would like to get off my chest.
Although i am currently a lvl 66 Holy Preist I would like to begin this rant by going back to an event that really made me angry back at lvl 49. I had logged back onto WOW after about a 3 month absence and also after saying that I wasn't going to play WOW again because it chewed up too much time.
I decided to start a random classic dungeon for one of the first few times and of course my role was healer. the dungeon chose for me was Zul'Farrak. Anyway i was going about healing my group as normal when I realized that my healing was severely delayed. Sure enough I looked at my latency and it was 4000. So evidently my group nearly died while I was trying to cast spells that were delayed by about 10 seconds when the Tank a Paladin called Zomgpali or something similar said "WTF do you even know how to heal?!". "I'm sorry" I said "I am experiencing really bad latency". I was Fully willing to accept the blame and apologize to circumstances beyond my control. But no the Paladin decided to be a dick. "No that's not it you're just bad at healing" he said. 'Seriously' I thought this asshole was going to attack my skill as a healer who had legitimately gotten to this point from lvl 1 and I had participated in a lot of instance groups before the new LFG system.
I kept going intending to prove this smug asshole wrong, but sure enough my latency hadn't gotten any better and against the next boss despite me constantly healing except for when I got turned into a frog my spells were delayed by a huge amount of time and my party wiped despite my best efforts, again the Paladin put the blame on me. "WTF do you know how to heal, you were just standing there doing nothing". I responded on my way back to the instance as a ghost. "I was frogged and from my perspective I was healing the entire time as I said bad latency". "No your just bad" he responded. I was getting really annoyed with this dickhead as he started suggesting to the group that they kick me for sucking and surprisingly since he was the only asshole in the group I didn't get kicked. So we went ahead and cleared the boss this time and I was out of mana and started drinking. Meanwhile the dickhead paladin went ahead with the rest of the party and left me there drinking. I thought no big deal they'll stop and wait for me, they won't be dumb enough to go ahead and attack the next mobs without me. But no of course not they started attacking with me miles away still drinking. I started running as fast as I could while they were getting owned and sure enough I only arrived seconds before they wiped. "WTF DO EVEN KNOW HOW TO HEAL!?" yelled the dickhead paladin. "WTF DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO REGAIN MANA!?, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" I replied and left the group.
Because of this being one of my first experiences with LFG I started becoming skeptical of it.
But sure enough I exited the game, searched latency fix on google, downloaded a program to help with it and sure enough I was back to a constant and reliable 200 to 800 ms latency. Although 800 may be bad to some people, as an Australian I've had to get used to this for my entire time through WOW. Sure enough though I got through the next 1, 5, 1o and 15 lvls mostly using the Dungeon Finder with noone ever complaining about my healing skill and even complimenting me as being an "Epic healz" (actual quote). Now I was even more convinced that this Zomgpali guy was a judgemental dickhead that evidently had no concept of healing or at least trying to play with a bad latency. It was his attacks against me that really bothered me just him having a problem with me performance as I knew it was bad considering my circumstances. I was wrong to attempt to do an instance with such a bad latency and that was my only fault. I f he had have said "Dude your latency is making this impossible. I'm going to kick you". My response would have been. "Yeah fair enough no problem". But instead he had to be an asshole and waste his own and the rest of the group's time insulting me.
Now fast forwarding to lvl 65 I was running the Sethekk halls Instance in Outland at the minimum lvl allowed when after the party wiped I realized oh crap I was back at a bad 2000 - 4000 latency. I apologized to the party they it was my bad having bad latency and was just about ready to leave when the party started debating whether or not it was my fault and asked me not to leave. So I continued playing the instance and we wiped again. After this a DPS and Tank left the group and I had almost click leave group when replacements arrived shortly after.
So we continued to finish the entire instance with no more wipes when one of the DPS remaining from before said that it was not my fault but the shit ass Tank who had left and we were now free of. This was supported by the fact that despite having crap latency for the entire instance.
So this confirmed that not just was Zomgpali a winging judgemental bitch. But was also a bad Tank. So in conclusion I hope that everyone reads this and knows that if they are in group with Zomgpali to kick him for being an asshole and trying to kick a Healer that every group i've known has been glad to have. I hope noone groups with this cunt again and I also hope that since I don't remember what realm he was from that perfectly good people name Zomgpali don't get judgmentally booted due to what I have said.
This has been Xandiaver Undead Holy Preist of the Odyssey Guild in Nagrand.
Have a good Grind.
Although i am currently a lvl 66 Holy Preist I would like to begin this rant by going back to an event that really made me angry back at lvl 49. I had logged back onto WOW after about a 3 month absence and also after saying that I wasn't going to play WOW again because it chewed up too much time.
I decided to start a random classic dungeon for one of the first few times and of course my role was healer. the dungeon chose for me was Zul'Farrak. Anyway i was going about healing my group as normal when I realized that my healing was severely delayed. Sure enough I looked at my latency and it was 4000. So evidently my group nearly died while I was trying to cast spells that were delayed by about 10 seconds when the Tank a Paladin called Zomgpali or something similar said "WTF do you even know how to heal?!". "I'm sorry" I said "I am experiencing really bad latency". I was Fully willing to accept the blame and apologize to circumstances beyond my control. But no the Paladin decided to be a dick. "No that's not it you're just bad at healing" he said. 'Seriously' I thought this asshole was going to attack my skill as a healer who had legitimately gotten to this point from lvl 1 and I had participated in a lot of instance groups before the new LFG system.
I kept going intending to prove this smug asshole wrong, but sure enough my latency hadn't gotten any better and against the next boss despite me constantly healing except for when I got turned into a frog my spells were delayed by a huge amount of time and my party wiped despite my best efforts, again the Paladin put the blame on me. "WTF do you know how to heal, you were just standing there doing nothing". I responded on my way back to the instance as a ghost. "I was frogged and from my perspective I was healing the entire time as I said bad latency". "No your just bad" he responded. I was getting really annoyed with this dickhead as he started suggesting to the group that they kick me for sucking and surprisingly since he was the only asshole in the group I didn't get kicked. So we went ahead and cleared the boss this time and I was out of mana and started drinking. Meanwhile the dickhead paladin went ahead with the rest of the party and left me there drinking. I thought no big deal they'll stop and wait for me, they won't be dumb enough to go ahead and attack the next mobs without me. But no of course not they started attacking with me miles away still drinking. I started running as fast as I could while they were getting owned and sure enough I only arrived seconds before they wiped. "WTF DO EVEN KNOW HOW TO HEAL!?" yelled the dickhead paladin. "WTF DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO REGAIN MANA!?, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" I replied and left the group.
Because of this being one of my first experiences with LFG I started becoming skeptical of it.
But sure enough I exited the game, searched latency fix on google, downloaded a program to help with it and sure enough I was back to a constant and reliable 200 to 800 ms latency. Although 800 may be bad to some people, as an Australian I've had to get used to this for my entire time through WOW. Sure enough though I got through the next 1, 5, 1o and 15 lvls mostly using the Dungeon Finder with noone ever complaining about my healing skill and even complimenting me as being an "Epic healz" (actual quote). Now I was even more convinced that this Zomgpali guy was a judgemental dickhead that evidently had no concept of healing or at least trying to play with a bad latency. It was his attacks against me that really bothered me just him having a problem with me performance as I knew it was bad considering my circumstances. I was wrong to attempt to do an instance with such a bad latency and that was my only fault. I f he had have said "Dude your latency is making this impossible. I'm going to kick you". My response would have been. "Yeah fair enough no problem". But instead he had to be an asshole and waste his own and the rest of the group's time insulting me.
Now fast forwarding to lvl 65 I was running the Sethekk halls Instance in Outland at the minimum lvl allowed when after the party wiped I realized oh crap I was back at a bad 2000 - 4000 latency. I apologized to the party they it was my bad having bad latency and was just about ready to leave when the party started debating whether or not it was my fault and asked me not to leave. So I continued playing the instance and we wiped again. After this a DPS and Tank left the group and I had almost click leave group when replacements arrived shortly after.
So we continued to finish the entire instance with no more wipes when one of the DPS remaining from before said that it was not my fault but the shit ass Tank who had left and we were now free of. This was supported by the fact that despite having crap latency for the entire instance.
So this confirmed that not just was Zomgpali a winging judgemental bitch. But was also a bad Tank. So in conclusion I hope that everyone reads this and knows that if they are in group with Zomgpali to kick him for being an asshole and trying to kick a Healer that every group i've known has been glad to have. I hope noone groups with this cunt again and I also hope that since I don't remember what realm he was from that perfectly good people name Zomgpali don't get judgmentally booted due to what I have said.
This has been Xandiaver Undead Holy Preist of the Odyssey Guild in Nagrand.
Have a good Grind.
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